Alta Terra di Lavoro

già Terra Laboris,già Liburia, già Leboria olim Campania Felix

Documento inedito circa la lealtà di Vittorio Emmanuele II, e le spese fatte per la conquista della Sicilia

Posted by on Ott 15, 2017

Documento inedito circa la lealtà di Vittorio Emmanuele II, e le spese fatte per la conquista della Sicilia

La commedia raccontata al popolo del Garibaldi che conquista il Regno delle Due Sicilie contando su mille invincibili eroi è una bufala che non ha fondamento.

Sia Vittorio Emanuele che Cavour direttamente o indirettamente lo appoggiarono.

Con uomini, soldi e armi.

Vittorio Emanuele i milioni li diede al Bertani.

Zenone di Elea – Agosto 2015

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Italics, Italics, Everywhere!

Posted by on Mag 6, 2017

Italics, Italics, Everywhere!

(Part 1) The Ancient Peoples of Sicily

By Niccolò Graffio

“To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is to not have seen Italy at all, for in Sicily lies the key to everything.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “Italian Journey”, 1816-17

The end of the Pleistocene Epoch (c. 11,700 BP) brought with it a number of significant changes across our planet, not the least of which was the beginning of the end of the last glacial period.  For thousands of years previously, huge areas of the Northern Hemisphere (and the continent of Antarctica) were under ice sheets called glaciers.  By the beginning of the Holocene Epoch the glaciers began their slow retreat back to the icy wastes of the North which spawned them.  Antarctica, of course, would remain locked under ice sheets down to the present.

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Italics, Italics, Everywhere!

Posted by on Mar 3, 2017

Italics, Italics, Everywhere!

Italics, Italics, Everywhere!

The Ancient Peoples of the Southern Italian Peninsula

By Niccolò Graffio

“Memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.” – Cicero: De oratore; I, c. 80 BC

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The Pro-Bourbon Counterrevolution

Posted by on Gen 23, 2017

The Pro-Bourbon Counterrevolution

Since the very first days of Garibaldi’s dictatorship and for the subsequent years, the rapid conquest of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies by the Piedmont army – occurred, as we said above, with the indirect but concrete support of France and Great Britain – incited a general rising of the populations of the Kingdom in favor of Francis II. Tenths of thousands of people rose up in arms all over the continental regions (just as sixty years before, at the time of anti-Jacobin risings and the Sanfedist epic deeds of Cardinal Ruffo), and caused an insurrection that raised difficulties for the Garibaldian troops first and then for the Piedmont army and government in the first years after the unification.

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