Alta Terra di Lavoro

già Terra Laboris,già Liburia, già Leboria olim Campania Felix

Naples en musique di Maria Franchini

Posted by on Gen 27, 2018

Naples en musique di Maria Franchini

La culture napolitaine a grandi au rythme de la musique.

Le mythe fondateur même de l’ancienne cité grecque est lié à la sirène Parthénope[1] dont les prêtresses prophétisaient en chantant. Le chant est ainsi un vrai moyen d’expression à Naples où l’on prie, on proteste, on se réjouit et on crie sa douleur en chantant.

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Giovanni Paisiello in lingua Inglese

Posted by on Feb 18, 2017

Giovanni Paisiello in lingua Inglese

Giovanni Paisiello was born on May 9th, 1740 in Roccaforzata, a small town near Taranto in the Apulian region of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. The son of a veterinarian, he received his first instruction in music at the local Jesuit school, which he attended for eight years. The boy’s musical talent soon attracted the attention of Don Girolamo Carducci, who, in 1754, succeeded in having the youth attend the Conservatorio di S. Onofrio, Naples’ preeminent institution for musical training.

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